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President of the Buill Indigenous Community in the Lakes Region, Chile. In the process of applying for the ECMPO since 2020. In the fight for customs, respect and traditions, today more visible due to the implication of law 20.249 or Lafkenche law. Participates in national and international events to show and publicize the methodologies that have led to the maintenance of the last immaculate and healthy environments ​_22200000-0000-0000-000000000222_of Patagonia, through the wisdom and culture of our cities.

Juan Catin Cheuqueman

President of the Buill Indigenous Community in the Lakes Region, Chile. In the process of applying for the ECMPO since 2020. In the fight for customs, respect and traditions, today more visible due to the implication of law 20.249 or Lafkenche law. Participates in national and international events to show and publicize the methodologies that have led to the maintenance of the last immaculate and healthy environments ​_22200000-0000-0000-000000000222_of Patagonia, through the wisdom and culture of our cities.

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