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Cis, bisexual woman, studying Social Sciences, native resident of Caetanos de Cima, Amontada/CE, president of the Association of Small Farmers and Fishermen Settled at Imóvel Sabiaguaba, cultural agent at Ponto de Cultura Abrindo Velas Pescando Cultura, member of the city's Women's Group, co-founder of the LGBTQIAPN+ collective Diversas em Movimento and popular communicator of the Community Tourism group-Rede Tucum. Popular educator at Escola do Campo Maria Elisbânia dos Santos, I work in the MST youth movement, collaborator at CONFREM and Articulação Povos de Luta.

Helena Soares

Cis, bisexual woman, studying Social Sciences, native resident of Caetanos de Cima, Amontada/CE, president of the Association of Small Farmers and Fishermen Settled at Imóvel Sabiaguaba, cultural agent at Ponto de Cultura Abrindo Velas Pescando Cultura, member of the city's Women's Group, co-founder of the LGBTQIAPN+ collective Diversas em Movimento and popular communicator of the Community Tourism group-Rede Tucum. Popular educator at Escola do Campo Maria Elisbânia dos Santos, I work in the MST youth movement, collaborator at CONFREM and Articulação Povos de Luta.

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